Queen Bee Salon & Spa FAQs
Waxing - How to prepare
Buzz Off Bumps!
28.00How to Prepare for a Brazilian Bikini Wax, Brozilian, Heathrow Express, InBetweenie or any Bikini/Mankini Wax at Queen Bee
- Hair must be a quarter of an inch to an inch (although we would prefer at least 3 to 4 weeks of growth especially after a shave).
- Your hair growth might be a little uneven for your first wax and that is okay, it will catch up eventually. We cannot and will not wax over hair/skin that was recently shaved. It is a waste of your time and money to arrive with hair that is too short to remove. Also, waxing over stubble can cause irritation to the follicles.
- Hair longer than an inch? Using baby scissors carefully trim it down to an inch, not too short please! For hygienic reasons we do not trim your pubic hair.
- Please shower/clean up before your appointment. We won’t spell it out… you catch our drift. In a pinch, wet wipes are a lifesaver. (Just don’t flush them down our toilets!)
- Resist the urge to shave between sessions. Shaving can chafe the skin and create irritation. It also throws your waxed hair off cycle. If you are desperate, just shave the sides in a downward direction.
- Having a warm bath or shower before your bikini wax can soften the skin, allowing for easier hair removal.
- Gently exfoliate the area to be waxed. Gentle use of a dry brush before a wax is also helpful as it helps remove dead skin.
- Before each wax we prep your skin with our miraculous and custom Buzz off Bumps pads that remove dead skin build up around and in the follicle, leading to an easier and more thorough wax. These pads are great exfoliators between appointments and help keep the skin hydrated and free dead skin, sweat, oil and product build up.
- Relax! Anticipation is often worse than the actual event. Take some deep breaths. Most of our clients tell us that it was remarkably easier than they expected and our waxologists will keep you busy chatting throughout the service.
- Take deep breaths during your wax, it relaxes muscles.
- First the worst. We get that first timers don’t know what to expect. In my experience, a first wax can be more uncomfortable, especially if you’ve been shaving. Most of the time, people leave our rooms pleasantly relieved that their wax wasn’t nearly as bad as they expected. Every wax after the first one gets easier, especially when your hair begins growing finer and we weaken the follicle. Yes, your hair will get thinner and more sparse over time, sometimes not growing back at all.
- If you’re concerned about the potential for pain, take a couple of ibuprofen 20 minutes before your appointment. Please do not use numbing creams, they contain chemicals that can interfere with exfoliation.
- Beauty Therapy. (Chat sesh?) Queen Bee Waxologists are the queens of distraction and we are trained to treat every one of you with care and as individuals. We want to get to know you. By the time you’ve finished telling us your story, ta da! your wax is complete!
Booking your next appointment before you leave adds points to your Honey Jar and gives you a great prompt to come back. See you soon!
- Your Waxologist introduces themselves and you are asked to undress from the waist down. Waxologists do not leave the room.
- All treatment tables and rooms have been disinfected and sanitized in accordance with all requirements of the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
- Your Waxologist will analyze skin, ask if you are taking any medications that might interfere with your wax or if you are using any creams such retin A or steroids that can have an impact on your skin during your wax.
- Skin is prepped by exfoliating and cleansing with one of QB Skincare’s Buzz off Bumps pads that helps to rid skin of bacteria, excess oils and dead skin. It will also help loosen the hairs from your follicles.
- After your wax service, your waxologist will check the area to ensure all hair is removed. Not all estheticians are trained to or can remove a surface ingrown hair.
- We do not spend most of the appointment tweezing stubble from shaving, although we will grab a few stubborn hairs that were too short to pull up.
- QB Skincare’s Balm is applied to the whole area. It was designed specific to down there care.
- Post wax information will be supplied as well as answers to any questions or concerns you might have.