How to Prepare for a Brazilian

Buzz off Bumps

Buzz Off Bumps!

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How to Prepare for Your Brazilian Bikini Wax

  • Please shower before your appointment. We won’t spell it out…  you catch our drift. (in a pinch, wet wipes are a lifesaver!)
  • Hair must be a quarter of an inch (about 10-14 days of growth) to adhere correctly to the wax.
  • Resist the urge to shave between sessions.  Shaving can chafe the skin and create irritation. It also throws your waxed hair off cycle. If you are desperate, just shave the sides in a downward direction.
  • Gently exfoliate the night before or take a warm bath to prep the skin before your wax. Having a warm bath or shower before your wax can soften your skin allowing for easier hair removal.  We also recommend exfoliation the night before as this removes dead skin build up around and in the follicle again aiding in easier and more thorough removal.  We suggest gently dry brushing OR using a gentle exfoliating scrub or acne cleanser.
  • Chill. Come to your appointment as relaxed as you can. Like a lot of things in life, the anticipation is often worse than the actual event.  Don’t listen to friends who tell you their waxing horror stories. They don’t come to us! Youtube videos and movie scenes with screaming ninnies will only get your knickers in a deeper twist.  This is your experience and we want it to be a good one!!
  • Take a deep breath. We often ask clients to take a few deep breaths and to try to relax their muscles once they get on the waxing table.  Don’t worry—it really doesn’t hurt that much. And trust me, we want you to come back, so we won’t do anything to traumatize you!
  • Know that it gets better.  We get that first timers don’t know what to expect. My advice is to acknowledge that the first one will be the most uncomfortable, especially if you’ve been shaving prior to it. However, it doesn’t have to be the worst thing you’ve ever done. Most of the time, people leave our room pleasantly relieved that the wax wasn’t nearly as bad as they expected.  Every wax after the first one gets easier, especially when your hair starts growing in finer and we weaken that horrid follicle!
  • Medicate if you must. if you’re concerned about the potential for pain, take a couple of advil 20 minutes before your appointment. Some clients feel this takes the edge off.
  • Remember, it will be over before you know it. Being fuzz-free is so worth a couple minutes of discomfort!